Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth root (periodontium). The cause of periodontitis can be due to damaged gums during eating but can also be due to a fracture or dislocation. If an infection reaches the tooth canal, the periodontist may suggest treatment as well.
No one is exempt from this disease
Periodontitis can be seen in musicians that play wind instruments (professional injury of the front teeth), too. Periodontitis develops within a few hours or days. Patients feel aching pain, which increases with dental pressure. And there are times when touching the tongue that patients can feel more of the tooth (as if it were growing).
Sufferers may also notice some swelling and redness of the gums. A dentist diagnoses each patient after a complete exam has been performed (including X-rays). In cases where pain is felt when pressing on the tooth and there is swelling of the gums, you can, as a temporary measure and before calling a dentist, rinse your mouth out repeatedly. This tiny but crucial hygiene task could break up food particles that may be causing the issue.
When to consult a dentist
Do not apply heat to the face because heat can cause the spread of swelling and inflammation and of the soft tissues of the face. If even your case of acute periodontitis has lessened over time, experts say that a consultation with a physician is still necessary. Without the correct treatment, oral diseases can turn into a chronic case.
In the above cases, the tissue surrounding the tooth becomes a source of chronic infection. With the body’s defenses starting to weaken, people may see full-blown periodontitis, jaw inflammation, as well as other oral diseases. Prevention is all about the timely treatment of teeth with the help of periodontal associates.
Dental diseases
Dental diseases are diseases of the teeth and tissues surrounding the teeth. Usually, people think that a beautiful smile equals a healthy one. This, however, is not the case.
Healthy teeth and gums mean much more than an aesthetically-pleasing appearance. The well-being of the body as a whole depends on the condition of the teeth and tissues that surround them. But what are dental diseases and why is it important to treat them before they worsen?
Teeth have many significant functions, but the most important one is chewing food. This means that the tissues that surround teeth must not allow the teeth to move. Toothaches, loose teeth, and bleeding gums will not let people chew their food properly, which means that the person’s tummy will suffer.
Because of various problems with teeth and gums, a person can refuse to eat solid food, which means that the body will lack the dietary fiber and other essential substances contained in most foods. Teeth form the outline of the lower part of the face. And, with an inflammation of the dental tissues or periodontal tissues (tissues surrounding the tooth), a dentist may see that a chronic bacterial infection is formed.
Bacterial infections occur when the pathogen enters the bloodstream, thus, infiltrating other organs and causing inflammation of the kidneys, ovaries, prostate, and even the heart. There are numerous types of dental diseases, but here is a list of the most common:
- Decay
- Pulpitis
- Periodontitis
- Stomatitis
- Gingivitis
- Periodontitis
- Parodontosis, which is an inflammation of the gums and other buried structures (like the jaw bone)
- Tooth cyst or abscess
- Fluorosis
One dental disease can cause the development of others. For example, pulpitis or periodontitis can cause gingivitis or an abscess of the tooth. Therefore, it is essential to undergo treatment when the first symptoms of a disease are noticed. Do not wait for pain to occur and never allow serious complications to flourish – contact local gulf coast dentists today.
Causes of dental diseases
Many dental diseases develop after a bacterial infection has had time and room to grow – streptococci or lactobacilli are the worst bacteria to look out for. In a healthy person, these bacteria can populate the oral cavity without any consequences, but if some oral issues arise, the bacteria begin to multiply actively, causing inflammation. Such conditions include improper hygiene of the oral cavity and the accumulation of plaque. However, eating or drinking large amounts of sugar and other simple carbohydrates, trauma to the teeth and gums, a change in the person’s saliva pH levels, and a decrease in the sufferer’s immune system are other causes to be aware of.
Other diseases of the teeth and periodontium can arise due to non-bacterial causes. For example, periodontitis is caused by the destruction of the periodontal blood supply due to the development of thyroid gland diseases, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and other conditions that cause deterioration of blood microcirculation. Fluorosis is triggered by a surplus of fluoride in the body. Also, a predisposition to many dental diseases can form an incorrect bite.
Periodontal disease is characterized by the slow course it runs, but if these issues are not treated in a timely manner, eventually, the structures that hold the tooth are destroyed. If this happens, the patient will notice their tooth becoming loose and, ultimately, will fall out. With all this said, a person can lose all of their teeth as a result of periodontal disease.
Risk factors
In modern dentistry, several types of diseases are distinguished. They occur when there is a bacterial infection and, during the development of a disease, the patient’s bone tissue, gums, and ligaments that hold the tooth in place are destroyed. Most people do not seek dental care because most signs are asymptomatic, which means the man or woman goes about their daily life without knowing something is seriously wrong.
The leading cause of periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that occurs as a result of insufficient oral hygiene. That is, most often, periodontitis is a problem for those who do not brush or floss their teeth and gums. The presence of plaque on the teeth and gums creates ideal conditions for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.
Toxins that are released, over time, destroy not only the space between the gum and the tooth but also the subgingival bone. An important role is played by the patient’s general and oral health. If the body is weakened by the transferred infectious diseases, then the risk of developing periodontal disease is significantly increased.
Infections of periodontal disease most often occur against the background of general exhaustion of the body. Here are several of the most known risk factors:
- Heredity
- Age
- Improper hygiene of the oral cavity
- Accumulation of plaque, tartar
- Abuse of sugar
- Trauma to the teeth or gums
- Decreased immunity
- Change in the person’s saliva pH levels
- Diseases of the endocrine system
- Atherosclerosis
- Arterial hypertension
- Diabetes
- Liver disease
- Infections of the gastrointestinal tract
- Osteoporosis
- Oncological diseases (cancerous)
- Systemic autoimmune disorders
- Malocclusion (improper positioning of the teeth when the mouth is closed)
- An excess of fluoride in the body
For more information about periodontal diseases, visit When to See a Periodontist.
Dental diseases can be easily detected during an examination by a local dentist. Instrumental diagnostics are used to simplify the diagnosis and categorize internal lesions of the tooth and gum. Laboratory tests are used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of teeth. Complete examinations tend to include several stages, so it is vital that each person be calm and patient.
The dentist is there to listen to their patients’ complaints, but appointments are so much more than that. Dental professionals also examine the person’s teeth, gums and mucous membranes and, in some cases, they will take swab collections to determine issues. A diagnosis can only be given by a dentist as a result of a thorough examination of the patient’s oral cavity.
To this end, the dentist examines the person’s gum thickness and its general condition, including the presence or absence of inflammation and bleeding gums. It is also necessary to establish the presence or absence of plaque and other deposits. Separately, people should also determine the degree of mobility of the teeth, the presence of bone resorption, and the depth of any gingival pockets. Be sure that the dentist takes X-rays during the consultation, which will help determine the stage of the disease (if any).
Lab diagnostics are necessary to assess the condition of the body and identify any co-morbidities. Dentists will perform a general blood analysis, blood chemistry, and a PCR smear from the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (if needed). Instrumental diagnostics consist of X-rays and a panoramic radiograph of the entire jaw.
Dentists will also study both the upper and lower jaws of each patient. This allows professionals to obtain a three-dimensional image of the teeth. He or she may also perform a laser doppler, an ultrasound Doppler, and ultrasonic osteometry.
- Laser Doppler flowmetry is a study that allows dentists to assess the blood flow in the periodontium.
- Ultrasound Doppler of the periodontium is the study that allows professionals to assess the speed of blood flow in the periodontium.
- Ultrasonic osteometry allows experts to estimate bone tissue density.
Treatment of dental diseases
If a cavity is found, remineralizing therapy is possible. First, the tooth is cleaned of plaque, and then individual preparations are made:
- Calcium gluconate, calcium chloride, and calcium glycerophosphate solutions are most often used in electro- or phonophoresis
- Sodium fluoride
- Combined preparations for remineralizing therapy
With medium and deep decay, the cavity is drilled, and the tissues that were affected by the decay are cleaned out. After that, antibacterial and antiseptic drugs are applied and then the tooth is sealed. In other dental diseases, drug therapy or additional treatments are used.
It is significant to observe the following treatment and prevention rules to prevent the development of dental diseases.
- Brush at least twice a day.Ideally speaking, it should be after every meal.
- If there are gaps between your teeth, use dental floss.
- If a person cannot clean his or her teeth, they should use a sugarless chewing gum with xylitol.
- Limit the consumption of sweet foods and drinks.
- After consuming sweet or sour foods, brush your teeth. If brushing or flossing isn’t possible, be sure to chew on some sugarless chewing gum with xylitol or rinse your mouth with mouthwash (or at least some water).
- Limit the consumption of solid objects like hard nuts, chewing on pencils, etc.
- Stop tobacco use.
- Visit a reputable dentist every six months for a routine checkup.
- Consult a dentist when the first symptoms of a dental disease are noticed, including issues like periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease
The periodontium fills the space between the tooth and the alveolar process. It is the periodontium that allows the tooth to be held in place. But, like any other tissue in the human body, periodontium is prone to various diseases.
Until now, its use had not been clearly established. However, it is now known that the precursor to the development of diseases starts with dental plaque, or rather, the pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that live in it. This is why most dental experts stress the importance of preventive dentistry.
When should people go to the dentist?
To prevent gum disease, it is important that people maintain their hygiene state at the proper level. At the first sign of gingivitis or periodontal disease, a dentist should intervene. A dentist is better than any other specialist when it comes to eliminating oral issues.
If the inflammatory process is complicated or the therapeutic treatment methods have not yielded the proper result, there is a need for surgical intervention. In this case, resection of the root apex of the tooth is performed. The surgeon produces a small incision on the gum and cleans out the mucous tissue near the tooth to gain access to the bone.
Then he or she removes infected tissues along with the tip of the root. After that, the tip of the root canal is sealed, and the mucosal membranes are stitched up, which ensures proper healing. The process of bone regeneration near the apex of the root usually takes a month.
If this treatment does not provide positive results or if the disease is complicated, it may be necessary to remove the tooth in its entirety. If the tooth does come out, it is best to ask Gulfside Periodontics about alternative options, including dental implant costs.